The Five Different Types Of Franchise

The Five Different Types Of Franchise
The Five Different Types Of Franchise

The Five Different Types Of Franchise: What I like most about the world of franchising is the diversity of industries and businesses involved and the convenience that franchising as a business model offers. With a number of important caveats, most sustainable and profitable businesses can be franchised and the franchises offered are classified based on a number of different factors, from the level of investment to the industry, to the operating model to the scale and size of the network.

Franchising can be broadly divided into five different categories. Let’s take a closer look at them below.

The Five Different Types Of Franchise

Job Franchise

A job franchise is a franchise model designed to be owned and run by one person – an owner-operator – with minimal additional employees. It is typically a very low investment and is often a franchise that is operated from the franchisee’s home or on a mobile basis. In purchasing the franchise, the franchisee creates a job and income for themselves, hence the name. The franchisee will provide services or sell their own product to their customer base. Many examples of job franchises could be cleaning services, lawn care,The Five Different Types Of Franchise a mobile coffee business, or my own area of ​​children’s activities, clubs and classes.

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Investment Franchise

Investment franchises are at the other end of the scale from job franchises. They involve a much larger scale, which also requires significant capital expenditure. In most cases the franchisee is not involved in the business on a day-to-day basis, and in all cases a significant professional management team is required to keep the franchise incorporated and operating. Franchisees are much more likely to be corporate investors and have significant commercial experience in the same or similar sector. They may also already own other franchises within the same industry. Hotel and large restaurant franchises, as well as some retail franchises and gym brands are some of the more common examples of investment franchises.

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Distribution Franchise

With a distribution franchise, the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to distribute and sell its product or range of products to customers. Distribution franchises are slightly different from other types of franchises because typically the franchisee will operate and sell the franchisor’s product under its own identity rather than adopting the franchisor’s name and operating systems. Examples of distribution franchises include car dealerships and electrical appliance retailers.

Business Format Franchise

A business format franchise is the model that comes to mind when most people think of franchising. Under a business format franchise, the franchisor provides the franchisee with everything needed to set up and operate a business, from equipment and premises, if needed, to training, operations systems, supplier contracts, marketing tools and support, and more. Business format franchises cover a wide range of businesses, from fast-food restaurants and coffee shops to business services and personal care.

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Conversion Franchise

Last but not least, there is the conversion franchise model, where a franchisee can join the franchisor’s network by already owning an independent business within the franchisor’s industry. Invariably an existing unit is converted into a franchise branch. This allows the franchisor to expand the network much faster, while the franchisee is offered the benefit of being part of a well-known brand with all the operational and financial plus points of being part of the network along with training and support. Conversion franchises are quite common within the real estate industry, dental and medical clinics and hairdressing. The Five Different Types Of Franchise

Franchising can offer an ambitious business owner a wonderful and diverse range of opportunities, but its broad spectrum can be overwhelming. Knowing the differences between the types of franchises offered can help a prospective franchisee narrow down their options to find the model that best suits their individual needs and goals. The Five Different Types Of Franchise

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